Project Syndicate
Project Syndicate is an international media organization that publishes and syndicates commentary and analysis on a variety of global topics. All opinion pieces are published on the Project Syndicate website, but are also distributed to a wide network of partner publications for print. As of 2019, it has a network of over 500 media outlets in more than 150 countries.
Impact Report
My involvement
Creating style sheets / Typesetting / Kerning type / Tidying line endings / Layout tweaks and amendments / Colour correcting imagery and removing imperfections / Supplying hi-res print ready PDF artwork files
My involvement
Creating style sheets / Typesetting / Kerning type / Creating templates for business cards / Supplying hi-res print ready PDF artwork files
Tote Bags
My involvement
Typesetting / Kerning type / Making sure all elements are aligned and spaced accordingly / Supplying hi-res print ready PDF artwork files